Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Whenever there is a paternal government, there is state education. The best way to ensure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery.

Here are a couple of recent news stories that demonstrate just how wonderful our government school education is. (I'm just kidding about the wonderful part, by the way; if I had kids, they would definitely not be going to government schools.)

This first one is about the girl who mentioned Jesus in her commencement speech a while back. She's filing a lawsuit alleging her free speech rights were violated, because she was told she couldn't get her diploma unless she apologized. How great is that.... a student can't get her diploma because she mentioned Jesus in her speech. What if someone was offended?! What's the First Amendment again?!,2933,295432,00.html?sPage=fnc.national/education

It gets better. In this next one, three university administrators who were fired when they admitted lying to cover up the rape and murder of a student last year. All three got severance packages giving them a year's salary, and two will retire and collect pension and benefits. Gee... reading this you could almost think they weren't punished at all.,2933,289748,00.html?sPage=fnc.national/education

And here's the best (worst) of all: a recent study found that government school teachers' sexual abuse of childen is widespread, and most of the time nothing is done about it. There's nothing else really to even say about it, you have to read it for yourself to believe it.,2933,303780,00.html?sPage=fnc.national/education

The point is: do you really want to entrust your kids to these sorts of people? The other point is, teacher's unions are horrible, horrible things. They're the reason why an administrator can cover up a murder and still get his six-figure severance package, and the reason why most of the molestors who pose as teachers continue teaching after they're caught. Parents should demand better for their children.

The title of today's post is a quote by Benjamin Disraeli.

P.S. In his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx said government education for all children was of the utmost importance for purposes of indoctrination.

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