Friday, March 14, 2008

The power to tax is the power to destroy.

Well I'm certainly glad to see that Congressmen really take seriously their duty to represent the people, aren't you? Oh, wait... I'm thinking of some other group of people. Congressmen have no interest in representing anything but their own interests. To wit: the Senate has refused to take a break (even just for the election year!) from pork-barrel spending. Only a minority of the Republicans would vote with McCain, and of course only three Democrats (not including the presidential candidates, of course) supported the moratorium. It failed by a 71-29 vote.

Which just goes to show that most of the members of Congress only cares about being able to abuse government (taxpayer funded) coffers. Even though Americans are sick of "earmark" spending, members of both parties could care less: they think that having been elected, pork-barrel spending is their right. And to some extent they are correct. This sort of spending has been around forever. However, in recent years the abuse has gotten much, much worth, both in terms of the number of earmarks inserted and the cost to taxpayers. ($200 million to build a bridge in Alaska to an island with a population of 50, anyone?)

And of course, the Senators also wants to end Bush's tax cuts: they just passed a $3 trillion budget by a 212-207 vote. So, let's see. They don't want to give up their taxpayer funded vote buying system and they don't want to prune government spending... So hey, here's an idea! Why not punish the hardworking Americans that pay most of the taxes! That ought to do it! And then, they'll wonder why corporations are taking their jobs to other countries and wealthy people are keeping their money in offshore accounts.

This is not going to end well, people. The government can only get so corrupt before it must either be overthrown or become a totalitarian government. The top percentage of wage earners will only support the rest of the people so long before they either leave, or stop working (unless, of course, the government forces them to stay and to work, which isn't impossible). Sadly, most people don't care enough even to pay attention, much less to try to do something about it. I can only hope there are enough people left who do care to stop politicians from ruining this country.

Here's the link to the story:,2933,337769,00.html.

Here's a link to learn about some of those wonderful, indispensable earmarks:

And finally, here's another one talking a little about the wealth of Congressmen (who pretend to be ordinary people, of course):

The title of today's post is a quote by John Marshall.

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