Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A democracy cannot exist permanently. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury.

In the spirt of today's dog and pony show, today's post is about voting. Specifically: there ought to be limits on who can vote. There's no legal reason why the right to vote can't be restricted, and there are many practical reasons why some portions of the population should have to stay home on election days.

The Constitution does not guarantee a right to vote (look it up yourself). The 15th and 19th Amendments simply prevent the denial of the right to vote on the basis of race or gender, resprectively. But you won't find anything that says everyone is guaranteed the right to vote. The Supreme Court said as much in Bush v. Gore, in fact.

With that in mind, some restrictions do need to be put in place. If you're accepting a government check, you don't vote. If you're living in government housing, you can't vote. Basically, if you're living off the fruits of someone else's labor- you have no right to vote. (With the exception of disabled veterans; after all, they actually did something for our country.) If you're sitting on your ass, not working, and you're too lazy to do anything but have kids or sit on the stoop and blame someone else for your failures- you have no right to my money. Or anyone else's.

Some people argue that this is too harsh. I disagree. These people have made their own choices, and they were bad ones. They shouldn't be able to keep voting for the candidates who will reward them for making those choices by giving them money. The Democratic candidates are falling all over themselves promising to raise taxes and proving that they'll be the one to help people not take care of themselves by having the government do it for them. It's ridiculous that instead of rewarding the people who work hard and do the right thing, the Democrats are rewarding people who do the exact opposite.

This misguided nonsense could be changed simply by revoking voting privileges from people until they are longer living off the government (and by government I mean taxpayers). They won't starve, but they'll no longer be able to vote taxpayer money into their own pockets in reward for contributing nothing to society. Let the Democrats court the people who are making good choices for a change. It won't make them happy to lose such a huge chunk of their voters, but it'll be great for those of us who can actually (gasp) take care of ourselves.

The title of today's post is a quote by Alexander Tytler. It has been edited.

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