Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The only real good technology is no technology at all. Technology is taxation without representation.

This is the best story I've read in a while:

To summarize, the Vice Chairman of GM told reporters last month that he thinks global warming is a "total crock of shit." He got a lot of flak from bloggers, and probably from environmentalist moonbats also. But he stands by his statement. I love it for two reasons: first, because he came out and said something that needs to be said a lot more often; and second, because he didn't back down when people got upset, as so many people seem to do. I say, good for him.

And while I'm at it, let me agree with him: all this global warming nonsense is a crock of shit. It continually amazes me that people are not only believe it, but are willing to accept all sorts of government restrictions and regulations because they believe it. In California, lawmakers are trying to make global warming be taught in schools and addressed in textbooks. Environmentalists are telling us we shouldn't drink bottled water anymore, and some are actually pushing for a ban. In San Francisco, lawmakers want to make it illegal to use your fireplace. Companies are falling all over themselves to "go green," whatever that even means. Car companies are being told that all cars are going to have to get 30 miles to the gallon in ~10 years. Environmentalist groups advocate carbon quotas (once you've used yours up, you wouldn't even be able to take an airplane flight). Oh, and now some Alaskan village is suing dozens of companies for relocation costs, because they have to move due to melting ice- because of global warming. And the list goes on.

Meanwhile, there are studies and studies done which prove that 1) global warming is not really happening and 2) any climate change that is occurring isn't caused by man. Did you know that the Earth has only warmed by 1 degree in the last 100 years? How about that temperature fluctuations are normal and have been happening since before man even existed? Or how about that polar ice caps aren't really melting: there's the same amount of ice as ever, it's just in different places.

If you don't know this, I'm not surprised. CNN doesn't report it, and most people are too lazy to do their own research. There's not enough time or space to discuss all the studies that have been done to disprove the global warming nonsense, but they are out there and easily found with a simple google search. In fact, more scientists believe that global warming doesn't exist than believe that it does. There's so much evidence out there to the contrary, it's unbelievable that people still think it's real. Of course, due to the laziness and ignorance of the masses, the mainstream media can ignore all the evidence and report what they want people to think.

If you want to know the real reason why this global warming hoax has been forced down our collective throats, just look at all the government restrictions and regulations that have been passed under the guise of preventing global warming. Once you recognize that the government (with the help of the mainstream media) is just trying to get you scared enough to give up your freedoms, you'll be most of the way there.

As has been my theme for the past couple of days: ignorance is a curable disease. Just pick up a book.

The title of today's post is a quote by John Shuttleworth, environmentalist (and nutjob?).

P.S. Did you know that 15 years ago the media was reporting that the Earth was cooling? Good book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism.

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