Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In its essentials not only is completed socialism the same as communism but it hardly differs from facism.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about leaving this country. I'd already decided that I was going to leave New York for somewhere less stifling on individual freedoms within the next three years, but now I think that may not be drastic enough. Don't get me wrong, I love America and everything she's supposed to stand for. What I don't love is the politicians that are perverting it. Yesterday I read an article about Hillary Clinton in the New York Times. For those of you that haven't yet had the displeasure of reading it, I'll post the link:

First let me say: if you don't know what's wrong with the picture she's drawing, you really need to be reading an economics book right now. But let me help you get part of the way. An executive's compensation is agreed upon by him and the company. CEOs get paid so much because they're worth it, in the eyes of the market. HC wants to step in and impose her opinion of what's too much on parties who would otherwise come to a mutual understanding: freedom of choice being taken away. Instead of lowering taxes, which would increase the economy by letting people spend more of their money, she wants to raise taxes on the "wealthy." The top 1% of wage earners is already paying 40% of all taxes, and the bottom fifth is paying nothing... but that's not good enough. According to her, raising taxes on the wealthy will help the economy. How? She's not asked, and she doesn't explain. Freedom to keep what you earn continues to dwindle away. Socialism, anyone?

She also wants the government to create more jobs by raising spending on "job creating projects." Forget all the free market options that would help create jobs, the government to the rescue. Final thoughts: jobs did once pay enough to allow one parent to support the family, but they don't anymore. A couple of reasons you won't hear HC mention: taxes are too high, and the government refuses to control inflation so prices are rising while wages can't keep up. HC wants to halt foreclosures and freeze subprime interest rates. This would make it nearly impossible for anyone without perfect credit to qualify for a mortgage at an affordable interest rate. Sounds like socialism to me.

I've been asking myself, when did we get to the point where people actually agree with ideas like this? Do she and Edwards get away with their socialist views because people don't understand why it won't work? or do they just not care? I am very, very frustrated, and you should be too. I for one am not going to work if taxes keep getting raised. I'm already angry that in September when I start work I'll be paying at least 30% of my income in taxes. I'm angry, but I'm trying to do something about it, so I'll work anyway. But if I'm expected to pay 40% or 50% of my income in taxes, I'm just going to leave the country. I don't think I'm alone in thinking this way, either. Except for American companies relocating to other countries and wealthy Americans moving their money offshore I don't have any data to back me up, but you can only push people so far before they just say "no." (I think more people should have said no a long time ago, but that's a whole other post.) This country is quickly coming to a point where one of two things will happen: we'll either have an Atlas Shrugged scenario, or there'll be a revolution. Things can't keep going the way they're going.

Do you hear that? It's the death throes of individual responsiblity- and freedom. If freedom lovers are going to prevail we have to unite and start making a concerted effort now- we have to take a stand. If we don't... well, I can almost hear the socialists cheering.

The title of today's post is a quote from The Socialist Tragedy, by Ivor Thomas.

1 comment:

Ishmael said...

Hey Libertarianista! Thanks to you, I've just ordered The Underground Economist and a couple of Boortz books from Amazon. Keep up the good work.